AlterTable |
Defines an SQL Alter Table statement to alter the definition of a table.
AlterTableAction.AddColumn |
Adds a column
AlterTableAction.AlterColumn |
Alters a column definition
AlterTableAction.DropColumn |
Drops a column
AlterTableAction.RenameColumn |
Renames a column
AlterTableAction.RenameTable |
Renames the table
Create |
SQL create statement for SQL objects (Table, Index, Trigger, etc).
Delete |
SQL DELETE statement for delete rows from a table.
Drop |
SQL Drop statement for SQL Objects (Table, Index, Trigger, etc)
Insert |
SQL Insert Statement
Join |
SQL element defining a Join statement during selection.
QueryStatement |
SQL Statement that performs a query over a database.
Select |
SQL statement for selecting data from a table
Update |
SQL Update statement
UpsertClause |
Defines an upsert clause when there is a key conflict on an Insert statement