Uses of Interface
Packages that use MPairStream Package Description A unified stream interface that can work across Java and Spark -
Uses of MPairStream in
Methods in that return MPairStream Modifier and Type Method Description MPairStream<T,U>
MPairStream. cache()
Caches the stream.<K,V>
MPairStream<K,V>StreamingContext. emptyPair()
Creates an empty MPairStreamMPairStream<T,U>
MPairStream. filter(SerializableBiPredicate<? super T,? super U> predicate)
Filters the stream.MPairStream<T,U>
MPairStream. filterByKey(SerializablePredicate<T> predicate)
Filters the stream by key.MPairStream<T,U>
MPairStream. filterByValue(SerializablePredicate<U> predicate)
Filters the stream by value.<R,V>
MPairStream<R,V>MPairStream. flatMapToPair(SerializableBiFunction<? super T,? super U,Stream<Map.Entry<? extends R,? extends V>>> function)
Maps the key-value pairs to one or more new key-value pairs<R,U>
MPairStream<R,U>MStream. flatMapToPair(SerializableFunction<? super T,Stream<? extends Map.Entry<? extends R,? extends U>>> function)
Maps the objects in this stream to one or more new key-value pairs using the given function.<U> MPairStream<U,Iterable<T>>
MStream. groupBy(SerializableFunction<? super T,? extends U> function)
Groups the items in the stream using the given function that maps objects to key valuesMPairStream<T,Iterable<U>>
MPairStream. groupByKey()
Group bys the items in the stream by the key<V> MPairStream<T,Map.Entry<U,V>>
MPairStream. join(MPairStream<? extends T,? extends V> stream)
Performs an inner join between this stream and another using the key to match.<V> MPairStream<T,Map.Entry<U,V>>
MPairStream. leftOuterJoin(MPairStream<? extends T,? extends V> stream)
Performs a left outer join between this stream and another using the key to match.<R,V>
MPairStream<R,V>MPairStream. mapToPair(SerializableBiFunction<? super T,? super U,? extends Map.Entry<? extends R,? extends V>> function)
Maps the key-value pairs to new key-value pairs<R,U>
MPairStream<R,U>MStream. mapToPair(SerializableFunction<? super T,? extends Map.Entry<? extends R,? extends U>> function)
Maps the objects in this stream to a key-value pair using the given function.MPairStream<T,U>
MPairStream. onClose(SerializableRunnable closeHandler)
Sets the handler to call when the stream is closed.<K,V>
MPairStream<K,V>StreamingContext. pairStream(Tuple2<? extends K,? extends V>... tuples)
Creates a new pair stream from the given array of tuples.abstract <K,V>
MPairStream<K,V>StreamingContext. pairStream(Collection<Map.Entry<? extends K,? extends V>> tuples)
Creates a new pair stream from the given collection of entries.abstract <K,V>
MPairStream<K,V>StreamingContext. pairStream(Map<? extends K,? extends V> map)
Creates a new pair stream from the given map.MPairStream<T,U>
MPairStream. parallel()
Ensures that the stream is parallel or distributed.MPairStream<T,U>
MPairStream. persist(StorageLevel storageLevel)
MPairStream. reduceByKey(SerializableBinaryOperator<U> operator)
Performs a reduction by key on the elements of this stream using the given binary operator.MPairStream<T,U>
MPairStream. repartition(int numPartitions)
Repartitions the stream to the given number of partitions.<V> MPairStream<T,Map.Entry<U,V>>
MPairStream. rightOuterJoin(MPairStream<? extends T,? extends V> stream)
Performs a right outer join between this stream and another using the key to match.MPairStream<T,U>
MPairStream. sample(boolean withReplacement, long number)
Randomly samplesnumber
items from the stream.default MPairStream<T,U>
MPairStream. shuffle()
Shuffles the items in the stream.MPairStream<T,U>
MPairStream. shuffle(Random random)
Shuffles the items in the string using the givenRandom
object.default MPairStream<T,U>
MPairStream. sortByKey(boolean ascending)
Sorts the items in the stream by key in ascending or descending order.MPairStream<T,U>
MPairStream. sortByKey(SerializableComparator<T> comparator)
Sorts the items in the stream by key using the given comparator.MPairStream<T,U>
MPairStream. union(MPairStream<? extends T,? extends U> other)
Unions this stream with another.<U> MPairStream<T,U>
MStream. zip(MStream<U> other)
Zips (combines) this stream together with the given other creating a pair stream.MPairStream<T,Long>
MStream. zipWithIndex()
Creates a pair stream where the keys are items in this stream and values are the index (starting at 0) of the item in the stream.Methods in with parameters of type MPairStream Modifier and Type Method Description <V> MPairStream<T,Map.Entry<U,V>>
MPairStream. join(MPairStream<? extends T,? extends V> stream)
Performs an inner join between this stream and another using the key to match.<V> MPairStream<T,Map.Entry<U,V>>
MPairStream. leftOuterJoin(MPairStream<? extends T,? extends V> stream)
Performs a left outer join between this stream and another using the key to match.<V> MPairStream<T,Map.Entry<U,V>>
MPairStream. rightOuterJoin(MPairStream<? extends T,? extends V> stream)
Performs a right outer join between this stream and another using the key to match.MPairStream<T,U>
MPairStream. union(MPairStream<? extends T,? extends U> other)
Unions this stream with another. -
Uses of MPairStream in
Classes in that implement MPairStream Modifier and Type Class Description class
Methods in that return MPairStream Modifier and Type Method Description MPairStream<K,V>
AbstractLocalMPairStream. cache()
AbstractLocalMPairStream. filter(@NonNull SerializableBiPredicate<? super K,? super V> predicate)
AbstractLocalMPairStream. filterByKey(@NonNull SerializablePredicate<K> predicate)
AbstractLocalMPairStream. filterByValue(@NonNull SerializablePredicate<V> predicate)
MPairStream<R,V1>AbstractLocalMPairStream. flatMapToPair(SerializableBiFunction<? super K,? super V,Stream<Map.Entry<? extends R,? extends V1>>> function)
AbstractLocalMPairStream. groupByKey()
<V1> MPairStream<K,Map.Entry<V,V1>>
AbstractLocalMPairStream. join(@NonNull MPairStream<? extends K,? extends V1> other)
<V1> MPairStream<K,Map.Entry<V,V1>>
AbstractLocalMPairStream. leftOuterJoin(@NonNull MPairStream<? extends K,? extends V1> other)
MPairStream<R,V1>AbstractLocalMPairStream. mapToPair(@NonNull SerializableBiFunction<? super K,? super V,? extends Map.Entry<? extends R,? extends V1>> function)
AbstractLocalMPairStream. onClose(@NonNull SerializableRunnable closeHandler)
MPairStream<K,V>LocalStreamingContext. pairStream(@NonNull Collection<Map.Entry<? extends K,? extends V>> tuples)
MPairStream<K,V>LocalStreamingContext. pairStream(@NonNull Map<? extends K,? extends V> map)
AbstractLocalMPairStream. parallel()
AbstractLocalMPairStream. persist(@NonNull StorageLevel storageLevel)
AbstractLocalMPairStream. reduceByKey(@NonNull SerializableBinaryOperator<V> operator)
AbstractLocalMPairStream. repartition(int numPartitions)
<V1> MPairStream<K,Map.Entry<V,V1>>
AbstractLocalMPairStream. rightOuterJoin(@NonNull MPairStream<? extends K,? extends V1> other)
AbstractLocalMPairStream. sample(boolean withReplacement, long number)
AbstractLocalMPairStream. shuffle(@NonNull Random random)
AbstractLocalMPairStream. sortByKey(@NonNull SerializableComparator<K> comparator)
AbstractLocalMPairStream. union(@NonNull MPairStream<? extends K,? extends V> other)
Methods in with parameters of type MPairStream Modifier and Type Method Description <V1> MPairStream<K,Map.Entry<V,V1>>
AbstractLocalMPairStream. join(@NonNull MPairStream<? extends K,? extends V1> other)
<V1> MPairStream<K,Map.Entry<V,V1>>
AbstractLocalMPairStream. leftOuterJoin(@NonNull MPairStream<? extends K,? extends V1> other)
<V1> MPairStream<K,Map.Entry<V,V1>>
AbstractLocalMPairStream. rightOuterJoin(@NonNull MPairStream<? extends K,? extends V1> other)
AbstractLocalMPairStream. union(@NonNull MPairStream<? extends K,? extends V> other)
Uses of MPairStream in
Classes in that implement MPairStream Modifier and Type Class Description class
A MPairStream implementation backed by a JavaPairRDD.Methods in that return MPairStream Modifier and Type Method Description MPairStream<T,U>
SparkPairStream. cache()
SparkPairStream. filter(SerializableBiPredicate<? super T,? super U> predicate)
SparkPairStream. filterByKey(SerializablePredicate<T> predicate)
SparkPairStream. filterByValue(SerializablePredicate<U> predicate)
SparkPairStream. groupByKey()
<V> MPairStream<T,Map.Entry<U,V>>
SparkPairStream. join(MPairStream<? extends T,? extends V> stream)
<V> MPairStream<T,Map.Entry<U,V>>
SparkPairStream. leftOuterJoin(MPairStream<? extends T,? extends V> stream)
MPairStream<R,V>SparkPairStream. mapToPair(SerializableBiFunction<? super T,? super U,? extends Map.Entry<? extends R,? extends V>> function)
SparkPairStream. onClose(SerializableRunnable closeHandler)
SparkPairStream. parallel()
SparkPairStream. persist(StorageLevel storageLevel)
SparkPairStream. reduceByKey(SerializableBinaryOperator<U> operator)
SparkPairStream. repartition(int partitions)
<V> MPairStream<T,Map.Entry<U,V>>
SparkPairStream. rightOuterJoin(MPairStream<? extends T,? extends V> stream)
SparkPairStream. sample(boolean withReplacement, long number)
SparkPairStream. shuffle(Random random)
SparkPairStream. sortByKey(SerializableComparator<T> comparator)
SparkPairStream. union(MPairStream<? extends T,? extends U> other)
Methods in with parameters of type MPairStream Modifier and Type Method Description <V> MPairStream<T,Map.Entry<U,V>>
SparkPairStream. join(MPairStream<? extends T,? extends V> stream)
<V> MPairStream<T,Map.Entry<U,V>>
SparkPairStream. leftOuterJoin(MPairStream<? extends T,? extends V> stream)
<V> MPairStream<T,Map.Entry<U,V>>
SparkPairStream. rightOuterJoin(MPairStream<? extends T,? extends V> stream)
SparkPairStream. union(MPairStream<? extends T,? extends U> other)