Enum UniversalFeature

    • Enum Constant Detail

      • AdpType

        public static final UniversalFeature AdpType

        Adposition Type:

        Prep (Preposition)
        Post (Postposition)
        Circ (Circumposition)
        Voc (Vocalized Preposition)
      • AdvType

        public static final UniversalFeature AdvType

        Adverb Type:

        Man (Manner)
        Loc (Location)
        Tim (Time)
        Deg (Degree)
        Cau (Cause)
        Mod (Modal)
        Sta (State)
        Ex (Existential)
        Adadj (Ad-Adjective)
      • Animacy

        public static final UniversalFeature Animacy


        Anim (Animate)
        Inan (Inanimate)
        Hum (Human)
        Nhum (Non-Human)
      • Aspect

        public static final UniversalFeature Aspect


        Hab (Habitual)
        Imp (Imperfect)
        Perf (Perfect)
        Prosp (Prospective)
        Prog (Progressive)
        Iter (Iterative)
      • Case

        public static final UniversalFeature Case


        Abe (abessive)
        Abl (ablative)
        Abs (absolutive)
        Acc (accusative / oblique)
        Add (additive)
        Ade (adessive)
        All (allative)
        Ben (benefactive / destinative)
        Cau (causative / motivative / purposive)
        Cmp (comparative)
        Cns (considerative)
        Com (comitative / associative)
        Dat (dative)
        Del (delative)
        Dis (distributive)
        Ela (elative)
        Equ (equative)
        Erg (ergative)
        Ess (essive / prolative)
        Ill (illative)
        Ine (inessive)
        Ins (instrumental / instructive)
        Lat (lative / directional allative)
        Loc (locative)
        Nom (nominative / direct)
        Par (partitive)
        Per (perlative)
        Sub (sublative)
        Sup (superessive)
        Tem (temporal)
        Ter (terminative / terminal allative)
        Tra (translative / factive)
        Voc (vocative)
      • Clusivity

        public static final UniversalFeature Clusivity


        In (Inclusive)
        Ex (Exclusive)
      • ConjType

        public static final UniversalFeature ConjType

        Conjunction Type:

        Comp (Comparing Conjunction)
        Oper (Mathematical Operator)
      • Definite

        public static final UniversalFeature Definite

        Definite Type:

        Com (Complex)
        Ind (Indefinite)
        Spec (Specific)
        Def (Definite)
        Cons (Construct State / Reduced Definiteness)
      • Degree

        public static final UniversalFeature Degree


        Abs (Absolute Superlative)
        Pos (Positive, First Degree)
        Equ (Equative)
        Cmp (Comparative, second degree)
        Sup (Superlative, third degree).
      • Echo

        public static final UniversalFeature Echo

        Echo word or a Reduplicative:

        Yes, No
      • Evident

        public static final UniversalFeature Evident


        Fh (Firsthand)
        Nfh (Non-Firsthand)
      • Gender

        public static final UniversalFeature Gender


        Masc (Masculine Gender)
        Fem (Feminine Gender)
        Neut (Neuter Gender)
        Com (Common Gender).
      • Hyph

        public static final UniversalFeature Hyph

        Hyphenated Compound or part of it

        Yes / No
      • Mood

        public static final UniversalFeature Mood


        Ind (Indicative)
        Imp (Imperative)
        Cnd (Conditional)
        Pot (Potential)
        Sub (Subjunctive / Conjunctive)
        Jus (Jussive / Injunctive)
        Prp (Purposive)
        Qot (Quotative)
        Opt (Optative)
        Des (Desiderative)
        Nec (Necessitative)
        Adm (Admirative)
      • NameType

        public static final UniversalFeature NameType

        Named Entity Type:

        Geo (Geographical Name)
        Prs (Person Name)
        Giv (Given Name)
        Sur (Surname)
        Nat (Nationality)
        Com (Company Name)
        Pro (Product)
        Oth (Other)
      • NumForm

        public static final UniversalFeature NumForm

        Numeral Form:

        Word (Number expressed as a Word)
        Digit (Number expressed using digits)
        Roman (Roman Numeral)
      • NumType

        public static final UniversalFeature NumType

        Numeral Type:

        Card (Cardinal Number)
        Ord (Ordinal Number)
        Mult (Multiplicative Numeral)
        Frac (Fraction)
        Sets (Number of sets of things; collective numeral)
        Dist (Distributive Numeral)
        Range (Range of Values)
      • Number

        public static final UniversalFeature Number


        Sing (Singular Number)
        Plur (Plural Number)
        Dual (Dual Number)
        Tri (Trial Number)
        Pauc (Paucal Number)
        Grpa (Greater Paucal Number)
        Grpl (Greater Plural Number)
        Inv (Inverse Number)
        Count (Count Plural)
        Ptan (Plurale tantum)
        Coll (Collective / Mass / Singulre Tantum)
      • PartType

        public static final UniversalFeature PartType

        Particle Type:

        Mod (Modal Particle)
        Emp (Particle of Emphasis)
        Res (Particle of Response)
        Inf (Infinitive Marker)
        Vbp (Separated verb prefix)
      • Person

        public static final UniversalFeature Person


        0 (Zero Person)
        1 (First Person)
        2 (Second Person)
        3 (Third Person) 4 (Fourth Person).
      • Polarity

        public static final UniversalFeature Polarity


        Neg (Negative)
        Pos (Positive)
      • Polite

        public static final UniversalFeature Polite


        Infm (Informal Register)
        Form (Formal Register)
        Elev (Referent Elevating)
        Humb (Speaker Humbling)
      • PossGender

        public static final UniversalFeature PossGender
        Possessor's Gender: Masc (Masculine Possessor)
        Fem (Feminine Possessor)
      • PossNumber

        public static final UniversalFeature PossNumber
        Possessor's Number: Sing (Singular Possessor)
        Plur (Plural Possessor)
      • PossPerson

        public static final UniversalFeature PossPerson
        Possessor's Person: 1 (First Person)
        2 (Second Person)
        3 (Third Person)
      • PossedNumber

        public static final UniversalFeature PossedNumber
        Possessed Object's Number: Sing (Singular Possession)
        Plur (Plural Possession)
      • Prefix

        public static final UniversalFeature Prefix

        Word functions as a prefix in a compound construction:

        Yes /No
      • PrepCase

        public static final UniversalFeature PrepCase

        Case form sensitive to Prepositions:

        Npr (Non-Prepositional Case)
        Pre (Prepositional Case)
      • PronType

        public static final UniversalFeature PronType

        Pronominal Type:

        Prs (Personal or Possessive Personal Pronoun or Determiner)
        Rcp (Reciprocal Pronoun)
        Art (Article)
        Int (Interrogative Pronoun, Determiner, Numeral or Adverb)
        Rel (Relative Pronoun, Determiner, Numeral or Adverb)
        Exc (Exclamative Determiner)
        Dem (Demonstrative Pronoun, Determiner, Numeral or Adverb)
        Emp (Emphatic Determiner)
        Tot (Total Pronoun, Determiner, or Adverb)
        Neg (Negative Pronoun, Determiner or Adverb)
        Ind (Indefinite Pronoun, Determiner, Numeral or Adverb)
      • PunctSide

        public static final UniversalFeature PunctSide

        Punction Side

        Ini (Initial)
        Fin (Final)
      • PunctType

        public static final UniversalFeature PunctType

        Punctation Type:

        Peri (Period at the end of sentence)
        Qest (question mark)
        Excl (exclamation mark)
        Quot (quotation marks)
        Brck (bracket)
        Comm (comma)
        Colo (colon;)
        Semi (semicolon)
        Dash (dash, hyphen)
        Symb (symbol)
      • Style

        public static final UniversalFeature Style

        tyle or sublanguage to which this word form belongs:

        Arch (Archaic, Obsolete)
        Rare (Rare)
        Form (Formal, Literary)
        Poet (Poetic)
        Norm (Normal, Neutral)
        Coll (colloquial)
        Vrnc (vernacular)
        Slng (slang)
        Expr (expressive, emotional)
        Derg (derogative)
        Vulg (vulgar)
      • Subcat

        public static final UniversalFeature Subcat


        Intr (Intransitive Verb)
        Tran (Transitive Verb)
      • Tense

        public static final UniversalFeature Tense


        Past (Past Tense)
        Pres (Present Tense)
        Fut (Future Tense)
        Imp (Imperfect)
        Pqp (Pluperfect)
      • Typo

        public static final UniversalFeature Typo

        Is this a misspelled word:

      • VerbForm

        public static final UniversalFeature VerbForm

        Form of verb or deverbative:

        Fin (Finite Verb)
        Inf (Infinitive)
        Sup (Supine)
        Part (Participle, Verbal Adjective)
        Conv (Converb, Transgressive, Adverbial Participle, Verbal Adverb)
        Gdv (Gerundive)
        Ger (Gerund)
        Vnoun (Verbal Noun, Masdar)
      • VerbType

        public static final UniversalFeature VerbType

        Verb Type:

        Aux (Auxiliary Verb)
        Cop (Copula Verb)
        Mod (Modal Verb)
        Light (Light (support) Verb)
      • Voice

        public static final UniversalFeature Voice


        Act (Active Voice)
        Mid (Middle Voice)
        Pass (Passive Voice)
        Antip (Antipassive Voice)
        Dir (Direct Voice)
        Inv (Inverse Voice)
        Rcp (Reciprocal Voice)
        Cau (Causative Voice)
    • Method Detail

      • values

        public static UniversalFeature[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
        for (UniversalFeature c : UniversalFeature.values())
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
      • valueOf

        public static UniversalFeature valueOf​(String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        NullPointerException - if the argument is null
      • parse

        public static UniversalFeature parse​(@NonNull
                                             @NonNull String string)
        Parses the given string to create a UniversalFeature
        string - the string
        the feature
      • isValidValue

        public abstract boolean isValidValue​(@NonNull
                                             @NonNull UniversalFeatureValue value)
        Checks if the given value is valid for this feature
        value - the value
        True if the given value is valid for this feature.