Insert |
Insert.columns(@NonNull SQLElement... columns) |
Set the named columns being inserted (note that calling this removed previously specified columns).
Insert |
Insert.columns(@NonNull String... columns) |
Set the named columns being inserted (note that calling this removed previously specified columns).
Insert |
Insert.columns(@NonNull Collection<? extends SQLElement> columns) |
Set the named columns being inserted (note that calling this removed previously specified columns).
Insert |
Insert.defaultValues() |
Sets the values to be inserted as default (note that this will remove any previously set values or select
Insert |
Insert.indexedParameters() |
Sets the values to be inserted as indexed parameters for use with PreparedStatement (note that
this will remove any previously set values or select statement).
static Insert |
Insert.into(@NonNull Table table) |
Create an Insert statement that will insert into the given table.
static Insert |
Insert.into(@NonNull SQLElement table) |
Create an Insert statement that will insert into the given SQLElement .
Insert |
Insert.namedParameters() |
Sets the values to be inserted as named parameters for use with NamedPreparedStatement (note that this
will remove any previously set values or select statement).
Insert |
Insert.onConflict(@NonNull UpsertClause upsertClause) |
Sets the upsert clause to use if an index conflict results from the insertion
Insert | QueryStatement select) |
Sets the select statement to use for inserting values (note that this removes all previously set values or default
Insert |
Insert.type(@NonNull InsertType insertType) |
Sets the insertion type of the insert statement.
Insert |
Insert.values(@NonNull SQLElement... values) |
Sets the values to be inserted (note that this will remove any previously set values or select statement).
Insert |
Insert.values(@NonNull Collection<? extends SQLElement> values) |
Sets the values to be inserted (note that this will remove any previously set values or select statement).