Class SparkMMapAccumulator<K,​V>

    • Constructor Detail

      • SparkMMapAccumulator

        public SparkMMapAccumulator​(String name)
        Instantiates a new SparkMMapAccumulator.
        name - the name of the accumulator
    • Method Detail

      • put

        public void put​(K key,
                        V value)
        Description copied from interface: MMapAccumulator
        Adds the given key-value pair ot the map
        Specified by:
        put in interface MMapAccumulator<K,​V>
        key - the key to add
        value - the value to associate with the key
      • putAll

        public void putAll​(Map<? extends K,​? extends V> other)
        Description copied from interface: MMapAccumulator
        Adds all entries of the given map overriding any current entries.
        Specified by:
        putAll in interface MMapAccumulator<K,​V>
        other - the map whose key-value pairs are to be added